“An emerging Rochester audio institution.”
Stereo Field Recordings offers friendly and fast music and content capture and editing services on-site, studio, and field recording and video production, at flexible pricing options.
Want to collaborate? You can email me at stereofieldrecordings@gmail.com.
- Live concert recording and video
- For album release, social media content, EPKs
- Multitrack, board feed, room miking
- Multiple cameras and camera options
- Collaborations with Three Heads, Abilene Bar & Lounge, Hochstein, Lincoln Hill Farms, Theater at Innovation Square, Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra, RPYO, DUTCH Collective
- Concert and event producing
- Studio recording & producer services
- “Semi-studio” recording
- Field recordings
- Portable, reduced rig meant to capture music in alternative spaces, such as churches, literal field, on-location
- Small venue and small group live sound
- Audio mixing & mastering
- Video editing
- “DJG Concert” style, AP News style
- Select CD cover styles, art, liner notes
- Select photography
Stay connected:
Featured artists I’ve worked with:
Barry Altschul, Ricky Ford, Jeff Lederer, Dan Weiss, Jon Irabagon, Steve Katz, John & Mary (10,000 Maniacs), Charlie Ballantine, Kinloch Nelson, Anna Webber, Joe Fiedler, Steven Bernstein, Jerome Harris, Joe Fonda, Phil Haynes, Herb Robertson, Joe Beard, Harvey Sorgen, Kahil El’Zabar, Alex Harding, Rob Garcia, Dave Liebman, Vinny Golia, Chris Schlarb, Amy Rigby, Wreckless Eric, Dave Rivello
Check out my work here:
- “BLACK FRIDAY” by Three Shamans
- “In Memory of Mark Whitecage” by The Nu Band
- Loren Stillman: Live at Bop Shop Records
- “… Maslyn honors his late sibling with a heartfelt, playful tune. His lyrical fretwork pops overs the rippling rhythmic foundation… The tune crackles with flair even as it stays grounded in quiet grace.” (Patrick Hosken, CITY)
- Gavin Rice & His Famous Collegiates: Live at Bop Shop Records
- “While short, this is a great set. Often I find this style over-arranged or the band flat but everything about this band has verve.” (Joe Bebco, The Syncopated Times)
Bop Shop Records concerts:
Songs from Studio B:
Rochester Residency with Three Heads Brewing:
Tiny Desk Contest recordings:
The Rochester Indie Musician Spotlight:
Field recordings: