From the Bandstand 5: Meg Williams moves to Nashville
- From the Bandstand
- 01/10/16
In the fourth and fifth installments of "From the Bandstand," a series in which musicians write into about their experiences, two former Rochester songsmiths Sara Rogers and Meg Williams discuss the their moves from the ROC to Buffalo, NY and Nashville, TN respectfully.

From the Bandstand 5: Meg Williams moves to Nashville
After visiting Nashville several times, I fell in love with the city. The people were so friendly, the music was great; so much to do and so many opportunities for performing. I found it easy to quickly put yourself into the scene, perform, and make connections fast – everyone was so supportive of one another, and that is a great atmosphere to be a part of. There are so many excellent musicians everywhere, that you’re also constantly inspired and pushed by others, and the food is GREAT!
So I decided to make the big move down here at the end of July, to pursue my music, performing, and songwriting career – and I have been absolutely loving it! I have never made a drastic move before, so it was definitely a big change! I love Rochester, so it was hard to say goodbye to the city and my family and friends, but it was extremely exciting to be doing something new & be part of a new city. I received so much support so that made it easy. It also helped that I didn’t make a big public announcement about leaving, so that certainly lessened any extra pressure. The hardest part was probably the 15 hour drive with my broken AC, through the heat advisory heading down south!! And leaving behind Wegmans, of course.
When comparing the Rochester & Nashville music scenes, they are similar in that there is a strong sense of community, pride, and support. Rochester musicians are proud to be Rochester musicians, and come together to support each other. I find there is a strong sense of pride and support for one another here as well, and I’m very proud to be a part of both communities! But in contrast – Nashville is HUGE.
There are hundreds of shows everywhere, every single day and night – there are not enough hours in the day to really see everything that you want to see. Contrary to popular belief, Nashville is not entirely “country music” – there is a large array of styles and genres throughout the entire city, from blues and rock, to indie and alternative, and funk and soul groups, and so on – you have no trouble finding something that you enjoy!
I am working so hard to play out as much as possible; I have been able to play almost every single night, whether it is a scheduled show, open mic, open jam, or just meeting/playing with other musicians. When I’m not playing, I’ve been going out to check out local shows or different events around town! I’ve been able to play at so many respected venues and locations here already, with many excellent musicians in my short time of being here. I’m looking forward to seeing where my music will take me, and I’m enjoying the process along the way!
I have learned so much from my performing experiences both in Rochester and here in Nashville. Work hard, love what you do, enjoy the process, always bring it, take opportunities and get out there, follow up, and of course – always be kind, supportive, positive, and encouraging to those around you!
— Meg Williams
Recent Comments
Meg, well done! I wish you much fun and good fortune. Very proud of you!
Mrs. Linda Staiget
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